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[#블로그] Angular Universal And Ionic

by 발자개발 2020. 3. 23.






SSR with Angular Universal And Ionic

So, Angular universal is a thing... And it seems it is something you all have been very excited about for some time. Since I tweeted about this some time ago, it's been one of the top 3 most common questions asked of us (right behind "when's Ionic Vue goin



초기 로딩이 빠르고 SEO 이슈를 해결할 수 있는 SSR(Server Side Rendering) Angular Universal과 Ionic에 대한 글이다. 웹 + 앱(Android, iOS)을 모두 Ionic으로 관리하면서 검색에도 잘 노출되고 싶다면 이 글을 읽어보는 것을 추천한다.



